An Energy Development Company
Mission Statement
The mission of TM Squared, Inc. is to find quality prospects for its core business and partners. We are an independent oil & gas company. We look to develop our prospects in an environmentally friendly and economical way to benefit our investors and partnerships. At TM Squared, Inc. we believe in Teamwork, Integrity & Honesty.

About TM Squared

TM Squared, Inc. is an independent oil and gas exploration and production company that was established in July of 1996 by W.A. (Andy) Westmoreland. Andy has over 25 years of experience in the oil and gas business.
TM Squared, Inc. identifies quality operators with proven track records and works with accredited investors to source capital necessary to develop those projects. With over two decades of experience in the oil and gas market, Mr. Westmoreland has identified a number of quality operators and oil and gas projects. Additionally, recent price fluctuations have caused remarkable declines in development costs, creating some attractive conventional opportunities in a market previously overlooked in the wake of unconventional development.
TM Squared, Inc. targets the following criteria when reviewing oil and gas projects:
Quality, proven operator with development history.
High economic returns using current strip pricing.
Opportunity for additional, unaccounted upside potential.
Infrastructure in place.